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The degree conferred upon the completion of the undergraduate program is "Bachelor of Arts in Economics". The students graduated from this department will be able to serve in the public administration, in the private sector and in non-governmental organizations. The system of attendance is full time. Detailed information on the courses offered in the semester schedules is included in the academic plan. The list of departmental must elective and free-elective courses is provided in details in the academic catalogue, including the theoretical lessons, recitation lessons, credits, equivalent credits according to ECTS credit system, and workload of each course. The list of courses offered each semester by our department and academic catalogue correlate together. The objective of this department is to fulfill the need for qualified members in this field, and to prepare skilled people to work in different sectors related to economics. In addition, the vast demands from high-school applicants have been an influent factor for the establishment department.

+355 4 2232 086 - +355 4 2222 117
Rr. Tirane-Rinas, Km. 12 1032 Vore Tirana, Albania
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