Explore ways to decrease the unemployment rate in Albania and in region. The main focus of finding solution to unemployment is given to the university graduates and the required skills they need to adapt to the labor market. Additionally, the department extends their related research in the inclusive and equal labor markets by integrating marginalized groups in the economy.
Team: Prof. Dr. Güngör Turan, Assoc. Prof. Eglantina Hysa, Dr. Erinda Imeraj, Msc. Erion Gjoçi
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Report--> Albanian Economic Performance/2017 Annual Report
Explore strategies for effective economic development in lower- and middle-income countries and for improving the well-being of marginalized individuals, families, and communities in all countries. This field focuses on economic policies and outcomes that are typical of developing countries and interventions that may improve the well-being of the inhabitants of such countries.
Team: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eglantina Hysa, Prof. Dr. Güngör Turan, Dr. Naqeeb Ur Rehman, PhD (c). Arjona Çela, M.Sc. Vasil Lino
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Innovation is a key driver of economic growth. In particular, innovation strategies such as investment in knowledge based assets (e.g., R&D, IPRs and university-industry linkages) significantly improve the economic performance of several countries in the world. More specifically, this research field investigates the impact of innovation on firms’ productivity (micro level) and economic growth (macro level) using quantitative analysis.
Team: Dr. Naqeeb Ur Rehman, Prof. Dr. Güngör Turan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eglantina Hysa,
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Both theoretical and applied research papers will be considered: Unemployment. Labor Market Flows. A Simple Indivisible-Labor Model of Employment Choice. Reservation Wages. Modeling Unemployment. Government Insurance Policies. Fiscal Policy. Accounting and Data. Government Spending and Taxation in a Static Model. Lump-Sum versus Distortionary Taxation. Government Transfer Policies. Government Deficits in a 2-Period Model. The Intertemporal Government Budget Constraint. The Ricardian Equivalence Theorem. Transitory Government Expenditure Shocks and Tax Smoothing Policy. Tax versus Bond-Financed Increases in Government Purchases. Money and Inflation. A Simple Overlapping Generations Model. The Demand for Real Money Balances. Monetary Equilibrium. The Welfare Enhancing Role of Monetary Exchange. Money Neutrality and Non Neutrality. Inflation, Seigniorage, and War Finance. The Laffer Curve. A Simple Model of Money and Banking. Government versus Private Supply of Money. International Monetary Systems. Nominal Exchange Rate Indeterminacy. Multilateral and Unilateral Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes. Speculative Attacks. Monetary Union.
Team: Prof. Dr. Güngör Turan, Dr. Erinda Imeraj, PhD (c). Avenir Lleshanaku, PhD (c). Çeljeta Sherifi, PhD (c). Fatih Mehmet Karakus
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European countries have to increase the level of R&D expenditure up to 3% of GDP to achieve the goal of Lisbon Agenda in 2000. Regional analysis showed that European Cohesion funds positively contributed to the economic growth of poor/rural regions that are closely located to urban (city) regions. More specifically, this research will focus on the various type of funds and their impact on the regional development in EU28 countries using regional data.
Team: Dr. Naqeeb Ur Rehman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eglantina Hysa, PhD (c). Arjona Çela, PhD (c) Fatbardha Morina
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